The Granger Community Food Pantry, located in our church and supporting our local Woodward Granger School District, so far in 2024 has welcomed and served 158 families which equals out to 546 individuals. We are very grateful to our EUMC families, the many local individuals, groups and businesses who enable us to keep our pantry doors open. Thank you for providing food items, making cash donations (so we can purchase needed items) or giving of your time to serve our brothers and sisters of Christ.

We have made a few changes. Our new hours beginning November 1st will be 10:00 – 3:00 PM on Tuesday and Wednesday’s. If you or someone you know would like to use the pantry call the church office at 515-999-2215 to make an appointment.

If you or someone you know would like to drop off food items or cash donations, you can do that any time the office is open, which you can verify by calling.

Again we will be providing Thanksgiving Food Baskets to families and individuals who use our Food Pantry and would like to receive a basket. More information will be available shortly on needed food items, cash donations or how you can help with this mission.

If you have any questions please contact either of us.

Blessings to you all!

Maggie Jennings & Cindy Partington

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